- Proficiency in Swift/Swift UI and Objective-C, iOS Frameworks, XCode
- Auto Layout, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
- Networking and Data Management, experience with RESTful APIs, web services and APIs.
- Knowledge of Core Data for Implementing data persistence and storage on the device.
- Proficiency with Git and GitHub version control for source code management and collaboration.
- Debugging and Performance Optimization, Identifying and fixing bugs efficiently and ensuring smooth performance and responsiveness of the app.
- Adherence to Apple’s design principles: Building apps that align with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines for a consistent and intuitive user experience.
- Writing and executing unit tests to ensure code reliability. Implementing UI tests to validate app behavior.
- Commitment to continuous learning: Staying updated with the latest iOS and Swift developments and incorporating new technologies and best practices.
- Experience with app deployment, submitting apps to the App Store, understanding the submission process, and handling app provisioning.
- Awareness of security best practices: Implementing secure coding practices to protect user data.
- Device Compatibility: Knowledge of different iOS device types and screen sizes, and how to ensure compatibility.
API Lifelong learning mobile-development data-management Networking Apple design principles Security Performance optimization Unit testing web-services SwiftUI Objective-C debugging autolayout iOS ui-testing Git REST User Interface (UI) Swift User Experience (UX) GitHub Xcode App Store Technical Lead ios-frameworks human-interface User Experience (UX) Design core-data device-compatibility