
Software Engineer @ CloudFerro S.A at CloudFerro S.A #vacancy #remote

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Szukamy developer贸w kt贸rzy: posiadaj膮 min. 3-letnie do艣wiadczenie programistyczne w projektach komercyjnych, uko艅czyli studia informatyczne/pokrewne (lub w trakcie studi贸w), pisz膮 czytelny i wydajny kod (preferowany j臋zyk: Python lub ch臋膰 nauki), maj膮 dobre podstawy algorytm贸w i struktur danych, znaj膮 SQL, posiadaj膮 znajomo艣膰 Linux, maj膮 do艣wiadczenie w pisaniu test贸w jednostkowych zgodnie z TDD, […]


Senior Software Engineer at NLX #vacancy #remote

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Senior Software Engineer NLX is a conversational AI technology startup headquartered in New York City with team members in Seattle, San Francisco, and Berlin. We value excellence, authenticity, transparency, attention to detail, and collaboration. We are an asynchronous, remote team with daily check-ins across the company. As a Senior Engineer […]


Software Engineer at Function Health #vacancy #remote

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Company Overview : At Function Health, our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health. Through our innovative platform, we offer comprehensive health insights through over 100+ lab tests, tracking health changes over time, and providing actionable, easy-to-understand results all made affordable and accessible to everyone. Our […]


Content Creator at Like Labs #vacancy #remote

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About Us Favorited is a live-gaming app where you can host “game shows” and play with a live audience. We want to re-define the way people think about live streaming. Check this ( out to learn more about the app. What Are We Looking For  Are you a content creator looking to expand […]