Let’s be successful together!
Our multinational Partner is looking for an experienced colleague for the position below:
IT Coordinator Feladatok
- Supervision, management and maintenance of technical IT infrastructures;
- Responsible for Local IT staff professional and people management;
- Responsible for self developed softwares (administrating, developing);
- System administration of Windows, Linux servers, backup, storage and management systems;
- Projects (central and local) management and support;
- Mobile fleet management;
- 1st escalation instance;
- Databank administration (SQL);
- Provide support for installation of new systems and processes;
- Ensure optimal use of all IT resources;
- Assure all procedures (backup, Security etc.) are properly followed.Clearly communicate any deviations or problems with the procedures.
- College or University degree;
- Min. 5 year on-site support experience;
- English language; communication level expected.
- Experience with Microsoft products e.g. Sharepoint;
- Work experience in IPT communication;
- Unix / Linux knowledge.
Munkavégzés helye
- Mór
Jelentkezés módja Küldje el jelentkezését a „Jelentkezem az állásra most” gombra való kattintással! A fényképes önéletrajzokat magyar és idegen nyelven várjuk. Kérjük, a levél tárgyába írja be a pozíció nevét és a referencia számát. Köszönjük! Hire-One Személyzeti Tanácsadó Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 3376-1/2008.