Junior Frontend Developer

Junior Frontend Developer

Remote (Poland)


Our product is an in-house CV builder, for both desktop and mobile devices. It allows users to easily glide through the process of document creation and customization, to reflect their previous work experience and aspirations for future career development. Furthermore, we’re constantly developing a variety of useful tools, such as personalized job offers, document feedback and mock interviews, to aid our customers’ journey even more. Our app is built with React 17 (soon to be 18) + Typescript combo, using popular libraries such as Redux 4.2 (with Toolkit), React Router 6 and many more. We manage our own components library (using Storybook) and maintain substantial test coverage (Cypress, soon Playwright). Feel free to reach out and ask any questions regarding our tech stack, we’ll be happy to answer


Our product is an in-house CV builder, for both desktop and mobile devices. It allows users to easily glide through the process of document creation and customization, to reflect their previous work experience and aspirations for future career development. Furthermore, we’re constantly developing a variety of useful tools, such as personalized job offers, document feedback and mock interviews, to aid our customers’ journey even more. Our app is built with React + Typescript combo, using popular libraries such as Redux (with Toolkit), React Router and many more. We manage our own components library (using Storybook) and maintain substantial test coverage (Cypress, soon Playwright). Feel free to reach out and ask any questions regarding our tech stack, we’ll be happy to answer.

Our app development cycle consists of

  1. Product team develops business requirements – provides them as an A/B test if applicable.
  2. Design team prepares the UI as Figma designs, as the UX gets refined.
  3. Tasks are presented during bi-weekly meetings, introduced to sprints on a weekly basis.
  4. Engineering team implements the feature, deploys it to the testing environment.
  5. QA team verifies new features, cross-reference with the business requirements.
  6. After QA performs regression and signs off on all tasks from the given sprint, the app gets deployed – most often on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


  • Develop and maintain our CV builder SPA, used by millions of people from around the world.
  • Implement A/B tests (or providing guidance over), experiments designed by our product team that ensure we’re on the right track to grow.
  • Optimize the codebase for performance, both network usage and hardware utilization alike.
  • Learn technologies and solutions we use, broadening your domain knowledge.
  • Proactive participation in dailies, sprint plannings, task refinements, and other weekly rituals.
  • Research of new technologies/libraries/architectural patterns to implement (eg. integration with ChatGPT and various speech-to-text SaaS platforms as of late).
  • Weekly retros, little bit of maintenance and bugfixes, diligent code reviews.



  • Very good English and Polish language skills.
  • Around a year of prior frontend experience – we’re open to less but you’ll have to prove your commitment and potential for growth.
  • Basic knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, SASS (SCSS) and Responsive Web Design (RWD) / mobile-first approach.
  • Basics of Javascript – syntax, data types, DOM manipulation, simple networking such as Fetch API, knowledge sufficient for a switch to Typescript.
  • Familiarity with VCS concept, practical knowledge of git. Ability to manage own changes, checking them upstream to the repo, ability to resolve conflicts, creating pull requests aligned with team-wide standards.
  • Familiarity with package managers, practical knowledge of npm/yarn, including ability to setup new projects, add/remove packages, familiarity with .lock files.
  • Basics of React, knowledge of hooks, familiarity with the concept of view/component pattern, simple routing, awareness of performance pitfalls.
  • Familiarity with both Chrome and Safari web browsers – understanding that there are different engines underneath, with their quirks and specific features, including both desktop and mobile variants.



  • Production experience with Redux and Redux Tool Kit, familiarity with concept of immutability
  • Experience with consumption of REST/GraphQL APIs, familiarity with concept of API gateway
  • Production experience with CI/CD like BitBucket, GitLab etc; and its pipeline feature.
  • Experience with unit and E2E testing using Jest and Playwright.
  • Strong drive to grow as a frontend engineer, ambitions of ownership over product one develop, preference for respectful and honest communication.

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