How to Post Jobs on DecisionWanted: A Recruiter’s Guide

DecisionWanted offers recruiters a unique opportunity for a skills-based candidate search, which has many advantages over traditional approaches. Additionally, the platform serves as a talent pool and has tremendous potential as an effective recruiting tool.

Unlike other platforms, DecisionWanted provides detailed information about each candidate, including their skill levels and experience in specific areas. This feature allows for precise candidate matching and saves IT companies time on prescreenings.

Now, let’s explore the core recruiting function of DecisionWanted – job posting, which is where the use of the platform begins.

To post a job, you need to create your recruiter profile, a process that takes no more than 1-2 minutes. After a brief moderation, usually taking just a few more minutes, you will be able to start.

Recruiter profile

Skills-based recruiting emphasizes both hard and soft skills that are essential for a successful candidate. In the job posting form, there are three sections:

  • Required skills
  • Nice-to-have skills
  • Bonus skills

new job

Why is this skill distribution necessary?

The skills specified in each section have different weights when calculating the fit percentage for candidates. For example, if you’re looking for a Data Scientist, proficiency in Tableau may be more important for a specific job than Excel. By placing these skills in different sections, you can control this, and a candidate who excels in Tableau will be displayed higher in the recommendations list.

Unlike other platforms, the system searches for matching candidates based on skills rather than textual descriptions. So, if you mentioned “Data Scientist” in the job title, don’t forget to include the “data science” skill in the list of required skills for the job.

When entering a skill, you can choose it from the existing list (users have already provided over 50,000 skills) or create a new skill if it’s not available. Simply enter the skill name in the field. When specifying skills in a job posting, each of them has two characteristics: the required proficiency level expected from candidates and their experience in using the skill (in months or years). For mandatory skills specifying the proficiency level is necessary, while for others it is optional.


What are mandatory and optional skills?

For example, you’re looking for a Java programmer, and it would be good for them to know Spring Boot, but you’re also open to considering candidates who don’t know it. In this case, Java would be a mandatory skill, while Spring Boot would be optional.

When creating a job posting, you would specify Java as a skill and set a minimum required proficiency level (e.g., Intermediate) and experience (e.g., minimum 3 years), but wouldn’t specify a proficiency level or experience for Spring Boot. In this case, Java becomes a mandatory skill, while Spring Boot remains optional. The system will suggest Java candidates regardless of whether they know Spring Boot or not. Those who know Spring Boot will be ranked higher than those who don’t.

Please ensure that when posting a job, all the skills mentioned in the textual job description are added as separate skills in the corresponding skill sections. Based on this information, the system generates a pre-screening form for the candidate, and after their response, you will receive a detailed report on their fit for your job.

Here is an example of such a report.

Fill in the remaining fields carefully.

job description

If you specify that the job is fully remote and also mention offices candidates can come to, the system will not consider office attendance a mandatory requirement. However, if the job is not fully remote, candidates will have to agree to come to the office in the specified location when responding to the job.

In the section where you mention compensation, you can add a bonus for referrals. If you have such a bonus, specify it, and freelance recruiters will be able to recommend candidates for a reward.

salary and bonus it

After creating a job posting, it will be reviewed and published on the platform, Telegram channels, and the mailing list.

Now you just have to wait for candidates to respond, who, thanks to the unique features of the skills-based approach, are much more suitable than the typical resumes you usually receive as a recruiter.

Try adding your first job posting!

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