Three different ways to respond to job vacancies

On the DecisionWanted platform, there are three different ways to respond to job vacancies. You can independently select a vacancy and submit an application for it, a recruiter can express interest in your profile and independently suggest that you consider the job opening, or you can receive an automatic recommendation from the system, which will be the most accurate.

Regardless of your choice, the system will always provide you with an automatic detailed report on how your profile matches the job requirements. It will indicate which skills are mandatory for a successful candidate, which are considered bonuses, and which ones can be substituted with other skills. The system will also take into account the importance of each skill for the specific job vacancy.

Your salary expectations, language proficiency, location, collaboration preferences, work schedule, and other parameters will also be considered. All of this information will be included in the report provided to you, based on which you can make decisions regarding further steps with the potential employer.

Job recommendations are accompanied by detailed reports

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