
Unlimited job posting

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Your published job vacancies on the DecisionWanted platform are a key element in finding perfectly suitable candidates.Publish as many job vacancies as needed. There are no restrictions on quantity. Immediately after registering a recruiter profile on the DecisionWanted portal, you will have access to a super-functional job vacancy creation form […]


Online resume builder

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Your profile on DecisionWanted is your modern digital resume. In fact, this is all you need for searching relevant job opportunities with jewelry-like precision. However, for enthusiasts of antique artifacts, we provide the option to export your digital resume in PDF format. Visit our website for more information!


Receiving and providing recommendations

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To enhance the perception of your profile among employers, it is recommended to utilize the built-in platform system for giving and receiving recommendations. Simply ask your colleagues to provide you with high-quality recommendations, which will significantly boost your appeal to employers. This functionality is available within your profile on the […]


Automatic job search

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The key function of working with the DecisionWanted system is automatic job search tailored to your profile. Unlike other job search systems, on the DecisionWanted portal, you don’t need to manually browse through available job catalogs for hours. Of course, you can do that here as well, but it’s only […]


Top 10 outsourcing companies in Ukraine

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IT outsourcing is one of the most profitable sectors of the Ukrainian economy. In 2023, its volume amounted to more than USD 7 billion. Ukraine has a number of advantages for IT outsourcing, including: Qualified personnel. More than 260 thousand IT specialists work in the country. Competitive prices. The cost […]


How does DecisionWanted work?

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DecisionWanted is an automated IT job search system. The system finds perfect matches between job requirements and candidate profiles using AI-based algorithms. When an employer posts a job, they specify the requirements for potential candidates. These requirements include various attributes such as location, time zone, citizenship, salary, and more. However, […]


How to Post Jobs on DecisionWanted: A Recruiter’s Guide

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DecisionWanted offers recruiters a unique opportunity for a skills-based candidate search, which has many advantages over traditional approaches. Additionally, the platform serves as a talent pool and has tremendous potential as an effective recruiting tool. Unlike other platforms, DecisionWanted provides detailed information about each candidate, including their skill levels and […]


Hiring Based on Skills is Changing the IT Job Market

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For many years, the demand for IT professionals has been so high that it created an entire job market in this industry. IT job offerings still come with high rewards, and candidates often expect extremely favorable employment conditions. However, the overall economic uncertainty in the world, coupled with mass layoffs […]